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Trademark registration is limited to territories. That is to say, for each country where you want to mark your presence, you have to apply for a separate trademark application. It is necessary for you to keep pace. Any national trademark registration expires at the end of the country and does not allow its owner to entertain the rights of trademark registration outside the national boundaries.

Madrid Protocol which was introduced in the year 1996 with the aim of registering a mark under several countries. The Madrid Agreement talks about the system of international trademark registration. All you have to do is apply for international trademark registration through the applicant's trademark office.  

International trademark registration applications under the Madrid Protocol must be filed by the trademark applicant through the applicant's trademark office, know as the workplace of origin. If an Indian business incident should occur, the Trademark Office is a workplace in India. The Office of Origin will process the trademark application and record it with the intellectual property organization in Geneva.

If your trademark application is found to be correct according to the criteria, then your mark, logo or word is ready to be entered in the International Register and can be published in the International Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) International Issue Gazette. is. At that point the International Bureau gives a certificate of international registration and tells each country that it has contracted the Madrid Protocol, for which protection is mentioned by the trademark candidate. The trademark office of each country reserves the right to reject the protection of the imprint by advising the International Bureau as far as possible indicated in the Madrid Protocol. The Madrid Protocol set severe deadline points of 12 or years and one half for issues raised by the scheduled offices.


  • Legal Protection

    International trademark registration legally protects you, in case of suspicion of any infringement it is easy for you to legally vindicate yourself in court. Make sure you have registered the word, slogan or logo before choosing a legal way to fight against the violation.

  • Business Opportunity

    Trademark works as an intangible asset and plays a crucial role in the growth of your brand. A successful trademark provides your business an opportunity to earn money and fame. Businesses like Nike or McDonald’s has earned royalties via licensing agreement.


    trademark acts as an intangible asset and plays an important role in the development of your brand. A successful trademark gives your business the opportunity to earn money and fame. Businesses such as Nike or McDonald's ’ have earned royalties through licensing agreements.

  • Distinguished Identity

    Your product is recognized globally through international trademark registration. Registration is the initial step towards ensuring this.

  • Beneficial for online operators

    International trademark registration plays an important role in the development of e-commerce business. If you are involved in selling products online, then somehow it paves the way for your product to be available to international consumers.

    Once you are recognized in the international market, it becomes possible for your trademark to gain popularity among the public. It makes sense that you can get international trademark registration before any other nation where your products are available, try to confuse buyers by using your similar or inspirational design to impress buyers.

  • Changes and Renewal

    When you have an international trademark registration, it becomes valid for 10 years from the date of registration. However, access to the transformation and renovation facility is easy. For renewal purpose you just have to file the same application form that you have submitted to WIPO.

  • Protects your brand during export / import

    International trademark registration protects your brand from forgery. In case of any violation committed during import or export, you entertain the right to take legal action against such violation.>


Basic Requirements

To meet the registration requirement, make sure that you:

  • A contracting party has a business
  • must be domiciled in the contracting party
  • A contracting party must be a national


To use the Madrid system, you need to form a relationship with one of its members (known as “ contracted party ”). This connection will help you determine your parent office.

For example, if you are an Australian citizen, or have a business, you will be associated with Australia (a person in the Madrid system) and in that case you will receive your rights through Australia's intellectual property (IP) The application has to be submitted. ). Office.

Registration process

  • Applying through the National Trademark Office (Office of Origin)

    Make sure you are registered before making an international application, if not, file an application in the country's trademark and IP office. The filing of this ground level of an application is called a basic trademark application. Once you are done with the proceedings of the original trademark application, you can apply for an international trademark with the help of the same office, who will later forward it to WIPO

  • Examination by WIPO

    WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) goes through your application. When approved, your international mark is entered into the International Register and distributed in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks. At that point, WIPO will send you an authentication of your international registration and tell the IP offices in all domains where you have applied to secure your mark.


    To use the Madrid system, you need to form a relationship with one of its members (known as “ contracted party ”). This connection will help you determine your parent office.

    For example, if you are an Australian citizen, or have a business, you will be associated with Australia (a person in the Madrid system) and in that case you will receive your rights through Australia's intellectual property (IP) The application has to be submitted. ). Office.

    the assurance of worldwide inventory cannot be at this level at this point. This has been decided after adequate evaluation and election by the IP / Trademark offices in those areas.


  • Examination by National Offices The IP offices of the

    regions, where you need to ensure your mark, will choose within a reasonable time frame (12 or 18 months) after their selection. The WIPO will list options for trademark offices in the International Register and notify you.

    If an IP office will not fully or partially protect your signal, this option does not affect the choices of different offices. You can refuse directly before relating under the law of this trademark office. If an office accepts to ensure your identity, it will announce the award of insurance.

    This international trademark is valid for 10 years. If you wish, you can renew the registration at the end of 10 years.


Processing time varies from country to country, yet it does not take more than a year and a half. In the event of the trademark not being rejected in this period, it is seen as registered in the respective nation.

Your application will be ready in each domain you select. The authorities will educate you if the trademark is either considered valid or the registration in their nations has been canceled. A letter of denial will contain data about the progress required in the application or the various motives behind the denial. What's more, a duration limit to complete the changes. Different nations will have different practices about what is satisfactory in determining goods and services.

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